1000 + 7 Eco Bags
Grabbed from MO
The smell of your perfume stuck to my body
Your scent surrounded the whole me
We were so close together
It was irresistible
I was being eaten
My heart was being stolen in a second
I can still clearly remember the smell of Emporio Armani till now
Your smiles that couldn't be swept away from my mind
The words that you used are unforgettably sweet
Waiting for messages from you every single day
It was a special memory to me so far
And then... I woke up.........................
You already have one...babe...
24th - Tues
XUAN with da gals - Scan, Joelyn, Joevyn & Enviel
Love Stories..Issues..Gossips..Craps...etc
25th - Wed
PURE with whole bunch of friends
Congrats to Scan..finally.............
J'aime la bande en vie particulierement le bassiste
Enchanté. Nice meeting you, Alvin
Harvin da Singh.
I just like the smokes above us...
Da Carlsberg supplier
26th - Thurs
Welcome to MLC...DJ Monkey
27th - Fri
ARENA again
Farewell worrrrrr...
I'll be back soon. I love Malacca.
Love PURE..But Fuck ARENA..
28th - Sat
Careen's Bday Celebration
Last words, I'm not a heavy clubber